Wildcats After-School Program

After-School Specialist & Administrator

After-School Program Registration

Registration and Cost

Registration for the After-School Program is completed by parents as part of the beginning of the year paperwork. In order to participate in any after-school clubs and activities, all students must be registered for the program. Students arriving mid-year will complete the registration with their paperwork during course registration.  If you have not completed the After-School Program Registration form yet, please click here for the  After-School Registration Form.

There is NO cost to participate in the After School program. 

The After-School Program provides an environment where creativity, enrichment, and inspiration thrive. Here students challenge themselves and work outside their comfort zone to reach their full potential. Students become explorers, scientists, leaders, athletes, and volunteers in the community. Within a structure unique to each school, every program promotes social engagement, quality connections, persistence, and resiliency. 

Program & Club Sign Ups

The After-School Program will have a variety of activities each week for students to explore. The program will run 4 days a week. Academic Support is offered Tuesday-Thursday by appointment with students' teachers. Teachers will be available one day per week from 2:20-3:15 p.m. Students can sign up to meet with their teachers for academic support. The club schedule will vary by day and week. Students can access the academic support schedule along with the Club/Activity Schedule through Schoology. Students will sign up for academic support and a club or activity (Tuesday-Thursday). The sign up link will open each day at the same time and will remain open through the end of lunches. 

After-School Program Schoology Course

Using their Fairfax County Public Schools Schoology Account, Whitman students have access to the After-School Program course.  This course includes program details such as: club descriptions and online access codes, the club schedule, important updates/announcements (including schedule changes), program Frequently Asked Questions, new club proposal form, and independent activities. All students have access to the After-School Schoology Course.  Please encourage your child to explore this course to learn more about the after-school program!   


If you have additional questions about the After-School Program, please contact the After-School Specialist, Lee Maguire.

Funding for this program comes from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, the Fairfax County School Board and the Department of Army’s “Army Youth Program in Your Neighborhood” (AYPYN)